Sunday, June 28, 2009

Blue Monday!!!!


刚上班, 就想要下班了....
为什么会有这样的想法呢? 可能是我太空闲了吧.....
人家说一日之计在于晨....但是, 为什么我却不是那么想呢?
今天是一个星期的开始, 应该有朝气蓬勃的感觉啊....
但是, 我却好像是已经迈入中年人的感觉了.....做什么事情都好像有心无力那样!!!!

why my mood not so good at today?
is it because they didnt asking me regarding the last saturday my outdoor things? or really today is blue monday???
some time really miss the pretty girl.....
maybe is she just same status with me....nth to do in the office....and she can chit chat with me everytime.....
i really feel no any motivation to work in this stupid company....
who can come to rescue me...
am i really free?
i also dunwan be the person who too free in this company...look like very not useful.....(fei cai).....

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